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Regional Weather Summary

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Station Name-Location
Wind Dir
Wind Max
Last Hr
Gust Max
Last Hr
Rain Rate
Vermilionweather-Near Lake Vermilion04:03:3829.21 inHg 58.3°F 71.8°F58.1°F56.1°F93%3.7 mph SSE9.2 mph 38.0 mph 0.41in0.00in0.00in/hr1.48in2.27in
EMA HQ's-Home Gardens- -:- -:- -Old Data  - -.-    - -.-- -.-- -.-- -%- - -.-- -- - -.-- - -.-- - . -
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/nwawlqmy/public_html/regionalwx.php on line 172
0.00in/hr- - . -- - . -
Mahomet04:03:3629.57 inHg     59.5°F 64.6°F56.8°F53.8°F81%1.3 mph SSE13.8 mph 34.5 mph 0.00in0.00in0.00in/hr0.00in0.15in

Version 2.12 6th August 2012

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This page was created by Clevedon Weather using some basic php scripts from TNET Weather.
The script for displaying the data has been produced by Clevedon Weather but has been modified by for it's own use.

Nearby METAR Reports

Nearby METAR Reports


KDNV - Danville, Illinois, USA
Distance from station: 0 0mi, 0km
Updated: Sat, 15-Mar-2025 3:55am CDT
Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
 Wind from SE
Wind: SE 12 mph , 19 km/h
Temperature: 57°F , 14°C
Dew Point: 55°F , 13°C
Humidity: 94%
Barometer: 29.32 inHg , 992.9 hPa
Clouds: Partly Cloudy
Visibility: 10 miles , 16 km
Cloud details: Partly Cloudy 2700 ft
Partly Cloudy 3900 ft
Partly Cloudy 6500 ft
2025/03/15 08:55 KDNV 150855Z AUTO 14010KT 10SM SCT027 SCT039 SCT065 14/13 A2932 RMK AO2 60061 T01440134
KTIP - Rantoul, Illinois, USA
Distance from station: W 30mi, 48km
Updated: Sat, 15-Mar-2025 3:55am CDT
 Wind from SSE
Wind: SSE 10 mph , 17 km/h
Temperature: 57°F , 14°C
Dew Point: 55°F , 13°C
Humidity: 94%
Barometer: 29.31 inHg , 992.5 hPa
Clouds: Overcast
Visibility: 10 miles , 16 km
Cloud details: Partly Cloudy 2200 ft
Overcast 2700 ft
2025/03/15 08:55 KTIP 150855Z AUTO 16009KT 10SM SCT022 OVC027 14/13 A2931 RMK AO2 60011 T01370133
KPRG - Paris, Illinois, USA
Distance from station: S 35mi, 56km
Updated: Sat, 15-Mar-2025 3:55am CDT
Thunderstorm, Partly cloudy
Thunderstorm, Partly cloudy
 Wind from SSE
Wind: SSE 18 mph , 30 km/h
Temperature: 57°F , 14°C
Dew Point: 57°F , 14°C
Humidity: 100%
Barometer: 29.35 inHg , 993.9 hPa
Summary: Thunderstorm
Clouds: Partly Cloudy
Visibility: 10 miles , 16 km
Cloud details: Partly Cloudy 9000 ft
2025/03/15 08:55 KPRG 150855Z AUTO 15016KT 10SM TS SCT090 14/14 A2935 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SE 6//// T01380135
KCMI - Champaign/Urbana, Illinois, USA
Distance from station: WSW 37mi, 60km
Updated: Sat, 15-Mar-2025 3:53am CDT
Mostly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy
 Wind from SE
Wind: SE 10 mph , 17 km/h
Temperature: 57°F , 14°C
Dew Point: 55°F , 13°C
Humidity: 94%
Barometer: 29.30 inHg , 992.2 hPa
Clouds: Mostly Cloudy
Visibility: 10 miles , 16 km
Cloud details: Few Clouds 1700 ft
Partly Cloudy 2400 ft
Mostly Cloudy 6000 ft
2025/03/15 08:53 KCMI 150853Z AUTO 14009KT 10SM FEW017 SCT024 BKN060 14/13 A2930 RMK AO2 SLP918 60007 T01440128 58008
KLAF - Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Distance from station: ENE 38mi, 61km
Updated: Sat, 15-Mar-2025 3:54am CDT
Mostly Cloudy
Mostly Cloudy
 Wind from S
Wind: S 7 mph , 11 km/h
Temperature: 59°F , 15°C
Dew Point: 55°F , 13°C
Humidity: 88%
Barometer: 29.36 inHg , 994.2 hPa
Clouds: Mostly Cloudy
Visibility: 10 miles , 16 km
Cloud details: Mostly Cloudy 2500 ft
Mostly Cloudy 3100 ft
Mostly Cloudy 7000 ft
2025/03/15 08:54 KLAF 150854Z AUTO 17006KT 10SM BKN025 BKN031 BKN070 15/13 A2936 RMK AO2 RAE00B17E36 SLP938 P0001 60028 T01500133 50013
KCFJ - Crawfordsville, Indiana, USA
Distance from station: ESE 39mi, 63km
Updated: Sat, 15-Mar-2025 3:55am CDT
Partly Cloudy
Partly Cloudy
 Wind from S
Wind: S 17 mph , 28 km/h, Gust: 22 mph , 35 km/h
Temperature: 59°F , 15°C
Dew Point: 50°F , 10°C
Humidity: 72%
Barometer: 29.40 inHg , 995.6 hPa
Clouds: Partly Cloudy
Visibility: 10 miles , 16 km
Cloud details: Partly Cloudy 11000 ft
2025/03/15 08:55 KCFJ 150855Z AUTO 18015G19KT 10SM SCT110 15/10 A2940 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT S P0001 60062 T01450100

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